Dating App Insights


I stumbled over this blog post. The author seems to have worked in the dating app industry and tells about some statistics (and subsequent strategies) for dating apps.

Takeaway for me is that what people tell you is not always actionable.

C64 demo "NINE" , and debugging tools


Linus Akesson published an interesting article on a demo by him.

Watch on Youtube

The demo features 9 sprites (hence the name) displayed simultaneously on a C64, hence the name.

There is another video dissecting the demo and how it achieves its "impossible" effect. What impresses me the most is not the dissection but the debugger and scanline visualisation tools shown in the video.

another video

Using more CSS for shortening text


In the large overview, I don't want to display looong notes:


CSS can cut off content after a given number of lines, and also add an ellipsis:

@supports (-webkit-line-clamp: 10) { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: initial; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 10; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; }

... dynamically shortening notes that are too long to 10 lines.

shortened note

Again, CSS might be a far too blunt tool here, but on the other side, this means I don't need to figure out a heuristic to determine whether certain markdown text is longer than 10 lines.

Using CSS to add a feature


Yesterday I made a change to my toys, the note taking app that was mostly CSS but still added a lot of functionality.

A note should open when clicking on it, but links within the note should be clickable from the general outside view too. Achieving this was weirdly enough done by using the z-index property of the "inner" links that should be clickable and not open the note itself. Raising these inner links "over" the outer link leading to the single note view was something I had not considered at all when thinking about the problem.

I guess this falls under "interesting how versatile a UI toolkit CSS is", and also, "interesting how overengineered the browser as a UI toolkit is"

Prototyping some eighties logo


Palm tree 80's Logo

Prototyping some logo in a Synthwave / Eighties style. The single palm tree is stitched directionally, which brings out the leaves but makes the whole thing look a bit noisy.