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eConsole Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. The "Glue To Desktop"-feature seems to crash Litestep. Can you fix this ?
  2. eConsole uses 100% CPU time. Why is this so ?
  3. Where can I find background images ?
  4. eConsole is still missing the ... feature.
  5. The eConsole font is too big/too small. How do I change that ?
  6. The transparency does not work ! I see only the background shining through !
  7. eConsole jumbles my keys. How can I fix this ?
  8. What are the Fast Drag and Direct Blit options for ? I can't see a difference !
  9. eConsole should have an Always stay on bottom feature. Can you do this ?

  1. The "Glue To Desktop"-feature seems to crash Litestep. Can you fix this ?

    This is a misfeature/incompatibility of LiteStep. I did have a short conversation with the LiteStep developers (that means, I sent them email about this), but there is nothing strange eConsole is doing to stay glued to the desktop, so this is more a problem of LiteStep than of eConsole.

  2. eConsole uses 100% CPU time. Why is this so ?

    Under Windows 9x, eConsole registers as using 100% of the available CPU time while idle. This does not, however, reflect the actual machine load, since the computer remains accessible and responsive as usual under Windows 9x. The cause for this phenomenon seems to be within the metering API of Windows 9x - under NT, eConsole registers with between 0% and 3% CPU load while idle, which is what one should expect.

  3. Where can I find background images ?

    I maintain a small list of links on the eConsole homepage. If you want more background images, follow the links on those pages or do a web search.

  4. eConsole is still missing the ... feature.

    Before mailing me a suggestion about a feature that you are missing in eConsole, have a look at the to-do list. If the feature is in there, I've already thought about it, so you don't need to mail me about it.

  5. The eConsole font is too big/too small. How do I change that ?

    The eConsole window has a context menu that is available through a right-click into the window. In that menu, you can change many things such as the font used for the character display and the font color.

  6. The transparency does not work ! I see only the background shining through !

    This is by design. There is no safe way to do real transparent windows under Windows (yet). So you have to live with that. It's better than nothing. If you know a good way to implement real transparency, you're welcome to implement it and then tell me how it works. Please don't just tell me your ideas about how to implement transparency, test your ideas before telling me !

  7. eConsole jumbles my keys. How can I fix this ?

    You are using Windows 9x. Due to the concern of compatibility with older versions of programs, Microsoft chose to have the maximum compatibility with older programs, which makes it impossible (in my opinion at least) to send keys to a console window under Windows 9x. Your two possibilities are currently either to

    • use NT instead of Windows 9x
    • get a really fast machine - on some setups, eConsole works
    You are welcome to try to improve the way eConsole sends the keystrokes to the original console window, but don't email me about it unless you find a way that works 100%.

  8. What are the Fast Drag and Direct Blit options for ? I can't see a difference !

    Both options trade some visual quality against speed :
    Fast Drag dosen't repaint the window when you are moving it (this is best seen on an eConsole window with border). This obviously results in an ugly picture if you move the eConsole window out of screen and back in, but it makes moving the window much faster on slow machines.
    Direct Blit creates more flicker when the console display changes, but is faster. This option (Direct Blit off) has the most effect under Win9x, under NT, there is almost no visible difference between Direct Blit on or off - only that Direct Blit off is about two times slower. Direct Blit on does draw first the window background and then the window text directly onto the window, that means that for a short time, the background without the text will be visible. Direct Blit off draws the whole window offscreen and then moves the whole thing in one go onscreen. This lets the window contents appear at once, but this is slower (at least under NT).

  9. eConsole should have an Always stay on bottom feature. Can you do this ?

    This option is already built in, under the name Glue to desktop. Glue to desktop can be found in the Window submenu of the context menu, but it is available only under NT and Windows 98, there is no way to make it work under Windows 95.

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