Why WWW::Mechanize::Firefox?
What is WWW::Mechanize::Firefox?
Max Maischein
DZ BANK Frankfurt
Deutsche Zentralgenossenschaftsbank
Information management
If I can do it manually
... then the computer can repeat it
... correctly every time
Perl (of course)
WWW::Mechanize::Shell (GPW 2002)
Win32::OLE (GPW 2007)
... not enough anymore
Web applications are on the rise
Web 2.0 is problematic
Applications hold status in the client
... use Javascript
Perl is not good at Javascript
Javascript::SpiderMonkey by Mike Schili, Thomas Busch on CPAN
Mozilla Javascript Interpreter
Many external prerequisites
Only Javascript, no DOM
Javascript::Engine by Father Chrysostomos on CPAN
Pure Perl
WWW::Mechanize::Javascript, WWW::Scripter
What if I could use Firefox?
Accepted Platform
Compatible Platform
Interactive Platform
Send mouse clicks?
Send key presses?
not interactive
not robust if I'm using the machine at the same time
to the rescueMozrepl opens a network interface into Firefox
Perl knows TCP
1: my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(); 2: $mech->get('http://conferences.yapceurope.de/ye2010');
WWW::Mechanize::Firefox provides
an extended API
of WWW::Mechanize
using Firefox as backend
Normal WWW::Mechanize API
CSS selectors (via HTML::Selector::XPath)
XPath selectors
Javascript events (onLoad
Javascript error messages!
Automation of websites
Integrated unit tests of Javascript
Input validation with JS code, even server-side
Crazy things
Control Firefox
1: my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(); 2: $mech->get('http://conferences.yapceurope.org/ye2010');
Control Firefox
1: my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(); 2: $mech->get_local('file.html');
Listen to Firefox events
Listen to Firefox events
Test usability of websites
1: my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(); 2: $mech->get_local('link.html'); 3: 4: sleep 5; 5: $mech->highlight_node( 6: $mech->selector('a.download')); 7: 8: print $_->{href}, " - ", $_->{innerHTML}, "\n" 9: for $mech->selector('a.download');
Execute Javascript in a website
1: my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(); 2: $mech->get_local('datei.html'); 3: $mech->eval_in_page(<<'JS'); 4: alert('Hello YAPC Europe'); 5: JS
Manipulate a website:
1: var secret = "12345" + "secret";
Manipulate a website:
1: var secret = "12345" + "secret";
Read Javascript variables (and set them)
1: my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(); 2: $mech->get_local('javascript.html'); 3: 4: 5: my ($val,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page(<<'JS'); 6: secret 7: JS 8: 9: 10: print "The password ist $val"; 11: 12: # Set the value 13: sleep 5; 14: $mech->value('pass',$val);
1: my $png = $mech->content_as_png()
mozrepl Add-On
MozRepl::RemoteObject (+ MozRepl + Net::Telnet)
(A)Synchronous event model
Asynchronous communication (AnyEvent)
More encapsulated Firefox API (MDC)
More WWW::Mechanize API
Firefox without a display ("headless")
DOM without Firefox (js_env
), V8 Javascript Engine
Open browser windows or close them
Automate download dialogs
File conversion
Firefox as charting-engine using Flot(r)
Instead of Inkscape
Remotely control Firefox on other computers (TCP)
Firefox as media converter
Movie Resize / Video Element
Webcam in Perl?
All samples are online on CPAN in
Reauthenticate to the Wifi using W:M:F
Reauthenticate to the Wifi using W:M:F
Check whether http://google.it is reachable
if not
Switch off the SOCKS proxy
Connect to http://google.it
Enter credentials
Submit (does some Javascript)
Launch PuTTY for ssh tunneling
Re-enable SOCKS proxy
1: # Get Firefox settings 2: my $prefs = $mech->repl->expr(<<'JS'); 3: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] 4: .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); 5: JS
1: # Get Firefox settings 2: my $prefs = $mech->repl->expr(<<'JS'); 3: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] 4: .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); 5: JS 6: 7: # Switch off the SOCKS proxy 8: if ($prefs->getIntPref('network.proxy.type') != 0) { 9: $prefs->setIntPref('network.proxy.type',0); 10: };
1: $mech->get('http://google.it'); 2: if ($mech->title =~ /\bdevitalia\b/i) { 3: # We need to log in 4: print "Reauthenticating"; 5: $mech->field( User_tmp => $credentials->{user} ); 6: $mech->field( Password => $credentials->{pass} ); 7: $mech->click({ xpath => q{//input[@type="submit"]}, sync => 1 }); 8: } else { 9: print "Already logged in" 10: };
1: $mech->get('http://google.it'); 2: if ($mech->title =~ /\bdevitalia\b/i) { 3: # We need to log in 4: print "Reauthenticating"; 5: $mech->field( User_tmp => $credentials->{user} ); 6: $mech->field( Password => $credentials->{pass} ); 7: $mech->click({ xpath => q{//input[@type="submit"]}, sync => 1 }); 8: } else { 9: print "Already logged in" 10: }; 11: 12: # Switch on the SOCKS proxy 13: $prefs->setIntPref('network.proxy.type',1);