Parse::Win32Registry 0.41
Read values from the Windows Registry even if you're (currently) not running Windows
Module::Util 1.07
Convert between module names and file names and find the first or all installed modules
Watch for changes to a single file instead of watching for changes in a complete tree
Template 2.21
Extensive Toolkit for template processing
The most powerful all-around templating language, if you need templates for more than (X)HTML
Coro 5.151
Run Perl code under cooperative parallel execution
V 0.13
This module provides quick information about where your Perl finds a module
Algorithm::Diff 1.1902
Diff (also Longest Common Subsequence)
Easily build a difference listing of texts or other data structures
CPAN::Mini 0.576
Maintain your own local minimal mirror of CPAN
Text::Table 1.114
Organize Data in Tables
Printing ASCII tables made easy with many options to customize the column formats
Write cross-platform Excel binary file.
If you need to create files in Excel format (95 up to 2003), this module writes your data.
Setup a CGI enviroment from a HTTP::Request
Run CGI code without setting up a CGI environment
Archive::Zip 1.26
Provides an interface to ZIP archive files
Convenient handling of Zip archives - extraction of files and creation from directory trees
Regexp::Assemble 0.34
Combine patterns into single pattern
Create optimized regular expressions from a list of strings.
Term::ShellUI 0.86
A really painless way to create an interactive, readline-enabled shell.
Getopt::Long 2.37
Advanced handling of command line options
Parse long and short command line options in a convenient way.
Text::CSV_XS 0.62
Fast 8bit clean version of Text::CSV
A good module to parse arbitrary CSV, possibly with embedded newlines or quoted fields
Net::IMAP::Client 0.92
Convenient access to IMAP mailboxes.
Geo::IP 1.36
Look up country by IP Address
Whenever you want to relate an IP address to a country or region, use this module.
File::MMagic 1.27
This module helps you find out the MIME type of a file
Easily find and load plugins for your module